
Welcome to our blog! Use the tabs above to access links to games that will help students practice some of the more complex skills we are learning and will be tested on. I will add more as I find them. I hope to get vocabulary and spelling words updated soon, so check back! on what we are studying can be found below. Please let us know what you think by commenting on our posts!

Spelling Words

Spelling List
Unit 4 Week 4
Feb. 14-23

Change the Final y to an i

Play games and practice how to spell these words at the same time. Click here!

  • That baby has the tiniest feet I have ever seen.
  • Maria is the funniest person in our class because she is always telling jokes.
  • The class copied the spelling words off the board.
  • Daniel studied all night for the math test.
  • There were athletes from many countries at the race.
  • The flowers attract many butterflies.
  • She pitied the family who lost their dog.
  • Today it is breezier outside than yesterday.
  • Everyone in our family enjoys hobbies on the weekend.
  • All of the students' families were invited to the performance.
  • She is healthier because she is eating right and exercising.
  • The police officer spied a suspicious-looking person behind the building.
  • My birthday party was one of the happiest days of my life this year.
  • One of my neighbors is friendlier than the other.
  • I am busier with homework this week than I was last week.

  • The class next door was noisier than we were during the assembly.
Review Words
  • I am drowsy late at night.
  • Please recycle the milk carton when it is empty.
Frequently Misspelled Words
  • He wanted an apple for a snack, but I wanted something different.
  • I have had enough to eat.

Spelling List
Unit 4 Week 3
Feb. 1-8

lonely       The dog was lonely at home by himself.
merry        The decorated tree looked festive and merry.
hungry       I was very hungry before lunch today.
steady        The tightrope walker held out her arms to stay steady.
honey        Bees work hard to make lots of honey.
starry         The children caught fireflies under the starry sky.
melody      Ryan's mother sang a melody to him as he fell asleep.
duty           It is a soldier's duty to protect the country.
daily          It is important to brush your teeth daily.
drowsy      Warm milk always makes me drowsy at night.
chimney    The smoke drifted through the chimney to the outside.
plenty        There is a big test on Friday, so Dante has plenty of studying to do.
injury        The injury from when he fell was still causing his knee to hurt.
valley        We will hike down to the small town located in the valley.
eighty        Please put the empty glass in the sink to be washed.

Review Words
winning   The home team is winning the game by 10 points!
escaped   Our pet snake escaped from its tank.

Frequently Misspelled Words
really      Do you really want to go the beach next week?
doesn't    Erik doesn't want to see the movie; he would rather see another.