
Welcome to our blog! Use the tabs above to access links to games that will help students practice some of the more complex skills we are learning and will be tested on. I will add more as I find them. I hope to get vocabulary and spelling words updated soon, so check back! on what we are studying can be found below. Please let us know what you think by commenting on our posts!

Vocabulary Words

Unit 4 Week 3 Words
Practice flashcards found at http://www.flashcardmachine.com/1819342/f3p5

Unit 4 Week 2 Words

Lunar: having to do with the moon

Revolve: to move in a circle around a center point

Reflect: to give or bounce off

rotate: to turn on an axis

gravity: the force that pulls things toward Earth

telescope: an instrument that makes faraway objects seem larger and closer

myth: a story that tires to explain a natural event or a belief

immortal: living forever

chariot: a two-wheeled, horse-drawn vehicle used in ancient times

stanza: a group of lines in a poem

astronaut: a person who travels in space

volcano: opening in Earth's crust through which hot lava and molten rock come out

artificial: made by humans rather than by nature