
Welcome to our blog! Use the tabs above to access links to games that will help students practice some of the more complex skills we are learning and will be tested on. I will add more as I find them. I hope to get vocabulary and spelling words updated soon, so check back! on what we are studying can be found below. Please let us know what you think by commenting on our posts!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

You Are Your Words

This is a cool new thing to do in your spare time. Upload your picture, some words, and you have a picture of yourself written in your own words.  Click here to get to the website and make your own.

I think we should make these for the biographies that we are writing!  What a great way to show show a picture of the person we are writing about!

Friday, April 13, 2012

In Writing: Biographies

In righting class we are doing a Biography on a person that we thought wood be really cool. Rielynn is doing Taylor Swift, Desirae is doing Martin Luther King, Dalton is doing Michel Jackson,  Kyler is doing Mr. Wiley, Keeaunna is doing Rosa Parks, Daykotta is doing Justin Beiber, Jordan is doing a dude that sings the song I Wish I Had a Storm Warning.  His name is Rascall Flatts.

Written by Rielynn

Off to Hunt and Marven of the Great North Woods

K. and J. Construction want to share the following:  (1) There is a lot of farming, hunting, and lumber in the Midwest; (2) The Mississippi River is great for fishing, shipping, boating, kayaking, and there are lots of bridges and railroads that go over it; (3) The Mississippi River is near Cabela's Hunting Store; (4) The Midwest has many famous parks; (5) There are several good restaurants, stores, including the Farm and Home Store in the Midwest; (6) Marven is a little dude, whose family has influenza, so they send him out into the forest to work with the lumber jacks; (7) Marven's two jobs are to wake up the lumber jacks and to pay them; (8) "Off to Hunt" is a story about a boy named Hunter and a boy named Swift Eagle and a boy named Crying Owl

R, D, and D share the following about what we have been learning:
A boy named Marven got sent to a lumberjack camp because his sisters go because they were girls.  Marven went by himself.  His job was to wake up the lumberjacks on the fourth bell.  He paid the lumberjacks with their signature or sign.  He met Jean Louis and they became good friends.  He went back home afraid that his family wasn't going to be at the train stop waiting for him because the influenza may have killed them.  Then he got off the train and they were all there waiting for him and they all greeted them with hugs and kisses.  His sister kissed his ear.  Grody!

Our question is:  If you have to wake a sleeping lumberjack who is tough as a rock and mean as a grizzly bear would you poke him or knock him out of bed?  We answer, say, "Leve toi!"  Which means wake up in French.

Today we learned about this kid named Crying Owl and his brother named Brave Brother.  He was telling a story about this kid named Hunter and he was afraid of riding a horse and catching a Bison.  It turned out that Hunter was Brave Brother.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Watch for Flash Cards to Come Home!

We are studying the following Greek and Latin roots:

phon: sound

photo: light

spec: see

vid:  see 

sign:  mark

graph: write

mot:  move

Flashcards will be coming home to practice these roots.  

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Iowa Assessments Are Done!

We have completed all of our Iowa Assessments.  Students took tests on Reading, Written Expression, Math, Science, Vocabulary, Spelling, Capitalization, Punctuation, and Computation.  I think all would say they breathed a sigh of relief as they finished taking them and that they really tried to knock my socks off!

Great job to these Inquiring Kids!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Khan Academy

Khan Academy is a great and FREE website where people can watch videos to learn concepts and then practice those concepts to check their understanding.  We've been working on adding fractions with unlike denominators.  You can click here to be taken to a video at Khan Academy to work on this skill.

Have Fun!

Thursday, March 15, 2012


We've been learning about the Central Region in the United States, also known as America's Heartland.  There are 2 regions in the Central Region, the Midwest and the South Central Region.

One of our reading selections mentions B.B. King, the great blues artist. The music he played became associated with the Central Region, especially in the Chicago area, where they have Blues Festivals. Here is a video of BB King playing a song called Blues Boys Tune.

<iframe width="640" height="480" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/4Ny5ajCn0xw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>