
Welcome to our blog! Use the tabs above to access links to games that will help students practice some of the more complex skills we are learning and will be tested on. I will add more as I find them. I hope to get vocabulary and spelling words updated soon, so check back! on what we are studying can be found below. Please let us know what you think by commenting on our posts!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Galileo, So Much More than a Lute Player and Circle Graphs

Today we read half of a story about Galileo.  Actually, we are reading pretend journal entries.  The author of the journal entries said that this is what Galileo may have written based on what historians know about him.  We found out that though he was not the first person to make a telescope, he discovered how to make one more powerful.  We also discovered that he played a lute.  That brought about questions on what kind of instrument is a lute.  We talked about how good readers ask questions while they are reading like, "What is a lute?"  I told students I would post a picture of a lute on the blog.

Tomorrow, the students will write more about Galileo, but I promised them I would put a picture of a lute on the blog.

In writing we read a book about Similes. The whole fifth grade is writing similes about their family members.  Students are to choose four family members and think about traits that describe those family members.  We will then write similes for each of those traits and draw a picture of each person.  I think we are very excited about this project!  One could even say that we will be as busy as a beavers when we work on these.

Today we learned about circle graphs, and we used a percent circle on our math templates to measure the percentages of areas on a circle graph.  Under the fraction tab at the top of the blog site I have a link to a circle graph maker.  You can make up data and then have it graph the data for you.

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