
Welcome to our blog! Use the tabs above to access links to games that will help students practice some of the more complex skills we are learning and will be tested on. I will add more as I find them. I hope to get vocabulary and spelling words updated soon, so check back! on what we are studying can be found below. Please let us know what you think by commenting on our posts!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Our Literacy Inquiry Projects

Great readers ask questions while they are reading. We write our questions down and then choose one to research and share the answer in one form or another. For this project, we chose to share our findings using Animoto. We've created these videos, which was frustrating, because you are only allowed 52 characters per slide. (Kind of like a tweet or a text---you're limited in what you can say.)

Below you will find the answers to several of our questions.

The first Animoto video answers Jordan and Desirae's question, which was "How Much Would I Weigh on Another Planet?"

The second Animoto video tells us all about the advantages of using robots, and it is by Dalton.

The third Animoto video shares the temperatures of the planets and why the temperatures vary. It is by Konner and Rielynn.

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